How To Attract Bees To Your Vegetable Garden

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How To Attract Bees To Your Vegetable Garden

If your vegetable garden is lush and healthy, merely doesn't produce a great deal intellectual nourishment… it might hateful there's a want of pollinators visiting your garden. If you're not sure how to attract bees to your vegetable garden, I've got you covered. On a lower floor you will get gradual tips for attracting bees and other pollinators to your vegetable garden.

How To Attract Bees To Your Vegetable Garden

As you probably know, pollinators equal bees are causative for pollination in plants, and therefore super important for growing vegetables.

But if you'Re wondering "how do I attract bees to my vegetable garden?" Let me tell you a little story that really drove this breaker point home for me…

Wherefore Aren't My Vegetables Increasing?

A long time ago, when I was a newbie gardener, I read an clause that a woman wrote about how, when she first started out gardening, she had never been a lover of efflorescence gardening.

She had a huge branchlike garden and that was her gardening heat. In point of fact, she said that at that time, there were hardly any flowering plants in her yard at all. She also said that none of her neighbors were gardeners either.

The nurseryman talked well-nig how every year the plants in her vegetable garden would grow large and throw tons of flowers, only would hardly produce any vegetables.

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Female squash flower waiting to be pollinated by bees

Pistillate squash flower waiting to make up pollinated by bees

I'm not sure what her "A Hour angle" moment was, only somehow she realized that the problem with her root-like garden was the fact that she didn't have any other lily-like plants in her yard to attract the bees and other pollinators.

Since realizing this, she started adding plants for attracting bees to her gardens and swears that this has successful all the difference in her vegetable garden production.

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Squash growing after successful pollination

Squash ontogeny after successful pollination

You Need Flowers To Attract Pollinators

Subsequently reading that story, I truly started to notice the plethora of bees and other pollinators in my flower gardens.

In fact, the flowers bees like the most had so many pollinators on them that I didn't deficiency to a-ok penny-pinching them (because both of the bees might stinging Maine!).

Sunflowers are one of the best flowers to attract pollinators to your garden

Sunflowers are one of the best flowers to attract pollinators to your garden

Then I walked over to my kitchen garden. Wow, what a difference!

I meanspirited, sure in that location were lots of bees flying from flower to flower in the banana-like garden overly, but not nearly as many every bit I saw swarming the blooms in my bloom gardens.

So, if your vegetable garden is growing and flowering, but not producing overmuch food, then you probably need to draw bees to your vegetable garden.

Plant flowers bees love in your vegetable garden

Imbe flowers bees loved one in your vegetable garden

How To Attract Bees To Your Vegetable Garden

Don't worry, attracting bees and else pollinators to your kitchen garden isn't hard. In fact, IT's actually pretty easy.

Altogether you need to do is plant flowers that attract pollinators in and around your vegetable garden.

Mix pollinator garden plants with vegetables

Flux pollinator garden plants with vegetables

I like to intermix annual flowers into my vegetable garden. Not simply are period flowers awing pollinator plants for attracting bees, they ADHD tons of color to the vegetable garden too!

Plus, they are finished at the same time as your vegetable plants in the fall, and so they're tardily to pull and replant annually.

Herbs are excellent pollinator friendly plants for your vegetable garden

Herbs are excellent pollinator friendly plants for your vegetable patch

Another matter you can do to pull tons of bees to your moss-like garden is to plant herbs. Herbs are wonderful plants for bees, and they look sightly too. When herbs heyday in my garden, they are bee magnets!

Perennial flowers are also great for attracting bees, so why not border your vegetable patch with a mix of bee friendly plants that bequeath grow and bloom year later year.

Or plant a hot pollinator garden bed next to your kitchen garden and fill it with bee plants.

Surround your vegetable garden with flowers that attract bees

Fence your vegetable garden with flowers that attract bees

List Of Flowers That Draw Bees

What flowers do bees like? Well, to get you started, here's a list of 15 pollinator friendly plants that you give the axe grow in and around your vegetable garden to attract bees.

These are some of the best flowers for bees, and they are all plebeian plants that should make up easy for you to find at any garden center, or grow yourself from seminal fluid.

  1. Sunflowers
  2. Sight
  3. Zinnias
  4. Garden balm plant
  5. Chives
  6. Pot marjoram
  7. Marigolds
  8. Sedums
  9. Nasturtium
  10. Cosmos
  11. Coquet weed
  12. Asters
  13. Lavender
  14. Black-eyed Susan
  15. Snapdragons

Gardening Tips To Attract Bees

  • Surround your veggie plot with flowers – Adding flowering plants to your garden is a wonderful way to encourage pollinators to visit your veggies likewise.
  • Don't broadcast spray pesticides – Pesticides, even organic ones, volition kill the good bugs ethical along with the bad ones. Indeed always target only the pest dirt ball, and never broadcast any type of pesticide spray finished your vegetable bed.
  • Plant flowers in groupings – Creating groupings of colorful flowers with your veggies volition make it easier for the bees to find your garden.
  • Provide fresh water for them – Giving the bees a source of freshwater will hold bac them return to your vegetable garden often.

For even more information about attracting bees to your garden, understand How To Create A Bee-Friendly Garden.

Attracting bees and other pollinators to your garden is easy in one case you know how. Follow the tips above, and your veggie garden will be buzzing in no time.

Recommended Reading

  • Attracting Native Pollinators
  • Pollinator Friendly Horticulture
  • Our Domestic Bees
  • Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden

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Share your darling pollinator friendly flowers that attract bees to your vegetable garden in the comments section beneath.

How To Attract Bees To Your Vegetable Garden


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