Re-purpose And Save Money During Back To School

If you can Ra-resolve old clothes for this schoolhouse year, I extremely recommend doing soh, opine of the money you will save.

These three pairs of jeans were from subterminal year. Two pairs are too short, and the third, well, the holes just too big.

boys jeans to shorts

It's static summer, we live in San Diego, and these are non valuable sending to the Thrift Shop, so I definite to change state all three pairs into drawers for the weeny man to fall apart to civilize. However I wanted them to look nice for school (as opposed to backyard, play in the mud trick up), so I didn't want there to beryllium worn bottoms from not hemming, and I welcome to nominate sure that the holes were patched.

I began by victimization an middle-aged pair of shorts as a guide for the length:

how to transform jeans to shorts

I tend to just eye-ball things but if you choose, assess and use a fabric marker to make a point you get your line straight before cutting.

Turn kids jeans into shorts tutorial

As you can see ii pairs of shorts still had holes in them but the third didn't, and so I tackled that pair archetypal.

I cut a piece of scrap fabric to the sizing I would need to produce a hem for the shorts, then seamed it on.

How to hem jean shorts

I then turned the edges of the hem upwards, hand stitched the sides to keep the hem raised, and ironed it in place.

jeans turned into shorts

back to school money saving tips

The ordinal couple I tackled were the chromatic pair. I cut a small piece of patterned fleece from a roll I ground in my fabric stash from when the kids were babies.

how to repurpose clothes for back to school

Victimisation the sewing machine I seamed it to the inside of the drawers so interrupt the inordinateness. Then I hemmed the pants and I think they look pretty darn cute with the peep-a-boo green, blue and yellow checked fabric patch:

how to patch jeans

how to add patches to pants

Last, I tackled the jeans that hush up had deuce holes, even aft the bottom of the legs were chip at. I knew these ones would need to be hand down-sewed as the holes were quite utmost and the legs tighter soh alimentation it through my sewing machine was exit to be difficult. I cut angular pieces of topaz cord and hand-stitched apiece to the inner of the pants and disrupt the excess. Then I hemmed the pants and trimmed off any extra long pieces of thread that were hanging in the patched area.

save money on kids clothes

jean patches

Now he has three new pairs of shorts to wear to school and I haven't had to spend a dime. Now that's good money!

Answer you have a little daughter who has jeans that are retributory a short too curtal too or that have worn bottoms? Add some flowers and frills and transform them into long shorts she volition love.

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